In 1998, Hansen wrote :
it is clear that 1998 did not match the record warmth of 1934, which occurred during the Dust Bowl era
NASA GISS: Global Temperature Trends (This document was deleted from NASA servers in 2004 or 2005)
His 1998 graph showed 1998 as being the third warmest year – after 1934 and 1921, with 1998 a full degree cooler than 1934. It also showed a strong cooling trend after the 1930s.
Two years later he simply altered the data to make 1998 warmer than 1934 and 1921.
The animation below shows how he magically altered the data to match the theory.
I will say it again: This should be front-page news, around the world. (Well, to be fair to myself, and again: So should my Venus/Earth temperatures comparison–it should have been front-page news soon after I did it, nearly 3 years ago.)
actually, Harry, Venus absorbs less sunlight than the Earth, despite being closer to the sun, because it’s albedo is so high from perpetual thick clouds.
If I’m not mistaken no sunlight actually reaches the surface of Venus.
You can tell who the real deniers are, by presenting them with this animation. Every sane person who views it understands the lunacy, only the deluded make excuses for the adjustments.
This has been shown many times here and should continue to be shown
Outside of the government’s FantasyLand home base, Hansen would have been prosecuted for fraud a long time ago.
And on the back of this politically motivated fraud foisted on to the whole western world, we have ensured the uptake of expensive radical changes to our way of doing business, we now live with fuel and energy costs skyrocketing, and futures that will continue to be blighted by this deceitful treachery.
Mr. Obama remove this wall of fiction from our lives. End the indoctrination of UN Agenda 21 on our children and our society.
(In this version, the last link is adjusted so it’ll work in WordPress. Please just delete the previous ones, Steve. -Dave)
Here’s another NASA/Hansen 1999 quote: “in the U.S. the warmest decade was the 1930s and the warmest year was 1934.” (or here)
There’s also an interesting discussion here:
Note that NASA says that the revisions to the data were done by NOAA’s NCDC, not by NASA/Hansen.
I made some inquiries a couple of years ago, to try to learn the rationale for those revisions. Here’s an email transcript:–Burton–US_Surface_Temperature_USHCN.html
Note that, due to top-posting, it’s mostly reverse-chronological. The original inquiry is the heavily indented green text about 50 lines up from the bottom.
Of course the “government shutdown” prevents accessing the links presented in the transcripts. Oh well!
Some of them can still be accessed though the Google or Yahoo cache, or via the indispensible:
E.g., this site is down:
But by using the “cache:” prefix to a google search, you can view a recent copy. Just go to and search for:
like this.
The “cache:” prefix also works with Yahoo.
Here are some useful google search tips; the “cache:” prefix is #6:
Here are some other google search tips & tricks:
And lots more (via a google search that demonstrates one of them):
Wow, they certainly made you go around the houses. Many thanks for your persistence, it is an education.
Most would claim the above represents only US temperature… And when Global Temperature is added in we have 1998 as the hottest year while the chart Globally changes to show a consistent upward trend…
How would folks on here respond to that??
Which countries do you think have better surface temperature records than the USA?
The US is not the only country tampering with data.