Hayhoe Can See Global Warming From Her House

Local Scientist Defends Climate Change

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, director of TTU’s Climate Science Center, says you can see the proof of climate change right here in Lubbock.

“Trees are flowering earlier in the year than they used to, here in Lubbock and across the entire northern hemisphere,” according to Hayhoe. “Lubbock’s climate for plants feel just like Austin’s did 20 years ago. That’s how fast things are changing and we can see them all around us.”

Local Scientist Defends Climate Change – EverythingLubbock.com

Actually, Lubbock’s climate is nothing like Austin’s climate. As usual, Katherine is pulling numbers out from where her evangelical sun never shines.

ScreenHunter_1777 Oct. 23 13.13

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Hayhoe Can See Global Warming From Her House

  1. omanuel says:


    The climate scam has been revealed, but that was the tip of the iceberg.

    FEAR of nuclear annihilation in 1945 persuaded world leaders to seize totalitarian control of the world and hide two empirical facts. Neutron repulsion in cores of atoms and stars causes:

    1. Atomic bombs to explode, and
    2. Stars to make Hydrogen (H).

    Here’s the rest of the story from the time George Orwell started to write his warning as a futuristic novel in 1946:


    Soil samples from the 1969 Apollo Mission to the Moon revealed the Sun’s iron-rich interior and predicted excess Xe-136 in Jupiter [1].

    The Galileo probe entered Jupiter’s atmosphere in Dec 1995 and found excess Xe-136 there [2].

    NASA hid the data until Jan 1998. See this CSPAN news video [3].

    With deep regrets,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

    1. “Solar abundances of the elements”, Meteoritics 18, 209-222 (1983).

    2. “Isotopic ratios in Jupiter confirm intra-solar diffusion,” Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33, A97, paper 5011 (1998):

    3. CSPAN News video shows NASA releasing 1995 Jupiter data in 1998


  2. Andy DC says:

    Early blooming flowers in the DC area this spring were 2-3 weeks later than when I was a kid. So much for anecdotal evidence.

  3. Jim says:

    Hi Hayhoe, “Feel” is NOT science………..call Mary Ann Hitt and cry together

  4. X says:

    The 2 sequence of numbers don’t even cross a single time in 63 years.
    She’s probably refering to the end of the 1980’s when there was a spike in Austin temps. That was an isolated phenomenon, even for Austin.

  5. tom0mason says:

    I told her to turn the burners off on the barbecue once the coals were glowing…

  6. LexingtonGreen says:

    I would love to see a picture of the Lubbock station. Why do I get the feeling some sort of heat trapping element was added to the area where the station is located in about 1997.

  7. Jason Calley says:

    Here is a serious question:

    Dr. Hayhoe is apparently not stupid. Yeah, I know, she says stupid things — but she actually did at least enough study to receive a doctorate, so it is difficult to say that she is truly stupid. If we assume she is NOT stupid, then the next step is to ask, “When the actual evidence is so very very clearly against her, how on earth can she make such obviously untrue statements?” Even if she were consciously lying, one would expect her lies to at least have some plausibility — but they don’t! What explanation is left? Does she suffer from some sort of cognitive disorder? How do we explain an apparently bright person embracing such pronounced error? Is she simply insane?

  8. Justa Joe says:

    Flowers blooming earlier that’s certainly cause for alarm

  9. gofer says:

    Maybe Ms. Hayhoe can follow P.J. O’Rourke advice. He wrote in “Don’t Vote”


    “There’s not a thing you can do about it. Maybe climate change is a threat, and maybe climate change has been tarted up by climatologists trolling for research grant cash. It doesn’t matter. There are 1.3 billion people in China, and they all want a Buick. Actually, if you go more than a mile of two outside China’s big cities, the wants are more basic. People want a hot plate and a piece of methane-emitting cow to cook on it. They want a carbon-belching moped, and some CO2-disgorging heat in their houses in the winter. And air-conditioning wouldn’t be considered an imposition, if you’ve ever been to China in the summer.

    “Now, I want you to dress yourself in sturdy clothing and arm yourself however you like – a stiff shot of gin would be my recommendation – and I want you to go tell 1.3 billion Chinese they can never have a Buick.

    “Then, assuming the Sierra Club helicopter has rescued you in time, I want you to go tell a billion people in India the same thing.”

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