How Many Morons Can Fit On One Twitter Page?

ScreenHunter_1869 Oct. 26 06.31

Twitter / EdDarrell: @SteveSGoddard @billmckibben …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to How Many Morons Can Fit On One Twitter Page?

  1. Latitude says:

    Got a citation…
    …according to the Danish Meteorological Institute

    They really don’t have to give visual aids….we already know how stupid they are

  2. Well, I totally decommissioned the warmunists on the livescience 44,000 year page:

  3. planet8788 says:

    Did you guys here about the forest in Alaska that was just uncovered from underneath the Mendenhall Glacier… 1000 year old forest in perfect shape….
    but the MWP was just a local event in Greenland?

  4. planet8788 says:

    Answer to the above: UNLIMITED.

  5. Diana says:

    After reading the article with the 44,000 yr time frame claim i googled glacial time periods and found this:: I found the temperature chart at the top of the page interesting. Shows a very long time frame ending at the present. Seems to me there is a long downward trend. I was trying to see where in it a glacial cycle we would be 44,000 yrs ago. Since I would expect us to be “warmer” during an interglacial period. Curious, no?!

  6. tom0mason says:

    Yet another case of showing symptoms “El niño pequeño ha orinado sobre sí mismo” infection. This infection is prevalent amongst alarmist personalities that must constantly feel the warming.

    They should seek medical help immediately

  7. GoneWithTheWind says:

    Mr Goddard you are fighting a battle you cannot win. The other side is willing to lie and distort facts and are unashamed at being caught doing it. It is like trying to out eat a shit eating dog, even if you win you lose.

  8. Traitor In Chief says:

    Steve, don’t you know that no amount of precipitation will end a drought declared by the cult?

    Each disaster must be replaced by another before it can be declared “over”.

    And floods can’t end droughts BTW. I think one of the trolls told us all that water just runs off and so it doesn’t count. Even if it collects in the CO river basin. It’s magic.

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