I Give Her Five Years, Tops

The soul is gone, the body can’t be far behind.

ScreenHunter_1558 Oct. 15 22.18

Miley Cyrus sings about molly again; experts warn of its dangers | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to I Give Her Five Years, Tops

  1. RokShox says:

    Why can’t she keep her tongue in her mouth?

  2. Stefan v says:


  3. R. de Haan says:

    It’s evident some Americans have turned into retards.
    This is illustrated by this advertisement for a Power boat with 2 x 2400 hp fuel draining engines which makes it the fastest in it’s class. But the designers installed special sun blinding deck lights to keep the salon cool and save on the fuel needed to power an air conditioning.

    This is crazy, just like the featured bitch with the anchor on her arm.

    Maybe she grew up on such a boat.

    • Mohatdebos says:

      You do realize it is built by an Australian-Italian company, and has German engines.

    • Oh great. Another anti-American post on a computer (invented by Americans) that runs on electricity (Ben Franklin), on the internet (invented by Al Gore), in a room lit by light bulbs (Edison), criticizing a singer of rock and roll music (invented by Americans), etc etc.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    But hey, the same goes for some Russians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11fslK9tRpA

  5. kbray in california says:

    “Hannah Montana was murdered.”
    Miley Cyrus

    A death wish?

  6. Chuck says:

    My “no Cyrus” extension for Google Chrome doesn’t seem to work on the Real Science Blog….

  7. Well, she looks healthy–I’ll withhold judgment, since she’s a small mote in the general insanity.

  8. Dave says:

    Stop sticking that tongue out. Disgusting.

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