h/t to Dave G
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Recent Comments
- conrad ziefle on “Permanent Shift” In Antarctic Sea Ice
- Bob G on Rapidly Accelerating Sea Level Rise
- Mike Peinsipp on “fair & equitable”
- conrad ziefle on Technology Advances
- czechlist on “The Hour Of Decision”
- Trevor on Rapidly Accelerating Sea Level Rise
- Trevor on Rapidly Accelerating Sea Level Rise
- arn on Technology Advances
- Billyjack on “The Hour Of Decision”
- arn on “fair & equitable”
Police: Report of shooting at Nevada middle school
Almost always the blue states, hmm?
That’s why it made the news.
“Carbon Free (or FEE) Zones” will be next:
Al Gore: We Should Put a Price on Carbon
“We’re paying the cost of global warming pollution, chiefly CO2, in lots of ways,” says Al Gore, former vice president, now chairman of The Climate Reality Project which is hosting a 24-hour online global broadcast called “The Cost of Carbon” starting Tuesday, Oct. 22.
Never let a crisis go to waste….Even if it’s not a crisis.
‘Concepts and implications of altruism bias and pathological altruism’
The profound bene?ts of altruism in modern society are self-evident. However, the potential hurtful aspects of altruism have gone largely unrecognized in scienti?c inquiry. This is despite the fact that virtually all forms of altruism are associated with tradeoffs—some of enormous importance and sensitivity—and notwithstanding that examples of pathologies of altruism abound. Presented here are the mechanistic bases and potential rami?cations of pathological altruism, that is, altruism in which attempts to promote the welfare of others instead result in unanticipated harm. A basic conceptual approach toward the quanti?cation of altruism bias is presented. Guardian systems and their overarching importance in the evolution of cooperation are also discussed. Concepts of pathological altruism, altruism bias, and guardian systems may help open many new, potentially useful lines of inquiry and provide a framework to begin moving toward a more mature, scienti?cally informed understanding of altruism and cooperative behavior.
Reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. —Richard Feynman