IPCC Confident That The Record Cold Arctic Summer Was The Hottest In 2,000 Years

The IPCC approved of this text last week.

TS.2.5.3 Sea Ice

There is medium confidence from reconstructions that the 1980–2012 summer sea-ice retreat and increase in sea-surface temperatures in the Arctic are anomalous in the last 2,000   years.


This past summer was the coldest on record in the Arctic, and had the largest year over year increase in ice area on record.

ScreenHunter_1181 Oct. 02 05.55

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

ScreenHunter_1182 Oct. 02 06.01


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to IPCC Confident That The Record Cold Arctic Summer Was The Hottest In 2,000 Years

  1. @NJSnowFan says:

    Ot, S pole sea ice extent data link very close to another record and not decling yet.

  2. @NJSnowFan says:

    It. can you put tip page link in above quick links next to home? Thanks

  3. @NJSnowFan says:

    Ask s climate scientist video 9/30 more like let’s talk about IPCC and take a few softball questions. None of these climate scientist added data to IPCC report? Better off, all they talk about is models but I guess they never have looked how they are preforming


  4. @NJSnowFan says:

    Ot, TWC going with winter weather name calling again,

    My feeling they are Sticking it NWS while the are on life support from government shutdown. Drama between TWC and real weather mets to begin again.

  5. gator69 says:

    So that means there is medium confidence that the 1980–2012 summer sea-ice retreat and increase in sea-surface temperatures in the Arctic are NOT anomalous in the last 2,000 years.

    Perspective. 😆

    • Robert J Molineaux, Sr. says:

      The quoted paragraph says that the shrinking ice and warm surface temperaturas ARE anomalous, i.e. that these measurements accelerated during the 1980 – 2012 period, in comparison with the 2000 year history.

      • gator69 says:

        Actually it says there is MEDIUM confidence, and that goes both ways. So my statement stands. Would you drive across a bridge with MEDIUM confidence that it would not fail? 😆

  6. Jimbo says:

    AGW was supposed to make itself felt most as you headed towards the poles.

    Arctic amplification loop leads to a death spiral, just like in 2013 (cold & good growth of sea ice.) That is how it works. 🙂

  7. It is I only says:

    Listen you stupid schmucks! The world is getting warmer! All the heat is hiding under the arctic ice!
    Trust me! I am a “respected” scientist! I am the holder of “Trofim Lysenko” Award!
    Would I & we the “respected” scientists from the IPCC lie to you Oi Polloi?

  8. Robert J Molineaux, Sr. says:

    The one-time increase in artic sea ice área last year was made up mostly of thin new ice, only a year or two old. This can be expected to disappear in the nex year or two. It is a short term variation. The long term trend continues to be warming. I suggest that the IPCC report should be read in its entirely before reaching unfounded conclusions.

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