IPCC Forgets To Mention Spectacular Arctic Ice Growth

You would think that at least one person among thousands of the world’s top climate experts would have noticed the fact that Arctic sea ice is back to 2006 levels. Particularly since the word Arctic appears several thousand times in their report.ScreenHunter_1249 Oct. 04 05.03

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to IPCC Forgets To Mention Spectacular Arctic Ice Growth

  1. TomC says:

    Down south we have this going down now:


    From yesterday’s NSIDC monthly report: “Antarctic sea ice extent reached 19.47 million square kilometers (7.52 million square miles) on September 22, a record high maximum extent relative to the satellite record, and slightly above the previous record high set last year.”

    Looks like on the NSIDC chart Antarctic sea-ice is still growing, now higher than the September 22 date cited as the highest sea-ice extent in the satellite era.

  2. Dr Martin Hertzberg says:

    Liar, liar pants on fire.

  3. Robert J Molineaux, Sr. says:

    Satellite images show the horizontal extent of sea ice, but not its thickness. After earlier years of smaller mínimums, new ice formed will be much thinner and hold a much smaller volume of wáter. The long term trend is in the direction of smaller minimums. Short term variations will not change that trend.

  4. Does anybody know of a similar graph that includes years before 2005? I’l like to see how we’re stacking up against 1995-2004 for example.

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