Just Making Stuff Up As They Go Along

You really can’t make this stuff up. Global warming theory has always assumed polar amplification, and now some climate buffoons are claiming the exact opposite.

ScreenHunter_1315 Oct. 09 12.12ScreenHunter_1316 Oct. 09 12.12

Twitter / afreedma: New study finds the tropics …


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Just Making Stuff Up As They Go Along

  1. mikegeo says:

    Would you mind re-checking your url for the UAH graph? It doesn’t work for me.

  2. Lawrence13 says:

    There’s a story running on Yahoo right now by Becky Oskin warning us all that the Polar bears are now way behind Jaguars in terms of at threat from AGW


    All I can say is

    First they came for the Polar Bears …..and they just thrived. Now its the Jaguars who have become the new pin up mammal for the global warming hand wringing ‘oh how I hate the west but enjoy and use all of it products’ hypocritical morons. I’m sure in true tradition with the AGW scare stories the big cat population will pick up as well.

  3. sonsinger says:

    In five years they will announce that the LGM on the Moon are endangered by AGW.

  4. Glacierman says:

    Hashtag – Backwards – LOL.

    Why not? Mann’s would be #upside down doesn’t matter

  5. crosspatch says:

    wait a minute — weren’t they saying the same thing last decade, and the decade before that?.

    From 1998: “Climate change will accelerate the appalling pace at which species are now being liquidated, especially in vulnerable ecosystems. One-fourth of the known species of mammals are threatened, and half of these may be gone within a decade. ”

    World Scientists’ Call for Action at the Kyoto Climate Summit

  6. gator69 says:

    “We’ve always been at war with Eastasia”

  7. Sunsettommy says:

    The Tropics can’t warm up much because of the way the regional climate is set up,here is a chart that shows something not often considered:


    The temperature range is similar near the 0 latitude area now and way back a few hundred million years ago.It is the 45-90 degrees latitude that shows the large temperature differences.

    The website for the chart is here,with background information:


  8. scizzorbill says:

    when their Polar Prognostications fail, they do a false flag study aimed at the ecuadorial region. 10 to 20 years later when that fails, the AGW buffoonery should be in the dustbin of history.

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      Let’s see what 2014 has in store for us.
      If world temps start to fall pronouncedly as many true climate scientists are predicting, based on the declining solar radiations of the present cycle, we won’t have to wait more 10-20 years.
      This year they could barely take the 60% increase of the Arctic ice, they are desperate. AGW is already in a terminal stage.
      The point is, they can always invent a new lies and publish them in their pseudo-scientific papers, we cannot avoid that, but nobody will pay attention to whatever papers they publish if the temperatures fall.

  9. Billy Liar says:

    Sea surface temperatures in the tropics rarely get above 31°C. Above that temperature there is so much convective activity (code for thunderstorms) that sea surface temperatures are controlled within a fairly narrow range:


    It is therefore most unlikely that places near the sea will see much change in temperature whatever happens to ‘forcing’.

  10. Justa Joe says:

    Funny nobody from the tropics has seemed to have noticed it.

  11. rw says:

    As I said once before, AGW is like a magic spray that brings all manner of creatures who are busily undermining the foundations of society to the surface, to reveal themselves. This is why in the end, it’s a gift, an opportunity, though not for the faint-hearted.

    What is fascinating here is the absolute certainty in their pronouncements in spite of the 180-degree reversal from what they said in the past. In addition, the empirical/inferential basis for what they’re saying is becoming more and more tenuous. (At least the Arctic amplification idea had some surface cogency.)

    Yes, it really is a version of, “we’ve always been at war with Eastasia”.

    Here’s a question, though. Are the same people making these opposing pronouncements, or are these new troops in the AGW wars, replacing others who have ‘fallen’ – and are no longer ‘useful’?

  12. Curt says:

    If you read the details, the claim is that tropical temperatures typically vary so little compared to temperate or polar temperatures, so it makes much less warming there to create “unprecedented” temperatures. By this measure, they can claim that these unprecedented conditions will occur sooner in the tropics, even if the magnitude of the warming is less.

    Of course, all of these projections are based on models that have completely failed to predict temperatures in the last two decades.

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