Karen Feeling Disorganized

ScreenHunter_1277 Oct. 04 18.15

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Karen Feeling Disorganized

  1. Latitude says:

    The 12z HWRF run showed considerably less intensification with Karen
    compared to previous runs after assimilating data from the from the
    NOAA p-3 tail Doppler radar. This Marks the first time Doppler
    radar data have been assimilatied into an operational hurricane
    model in real time.

  2. Lance says:

    well….they HAD to get their stats up….I mean the Atlantic has just been ‘smoken’ this fall with Hurricanes…however, I do believe a few fish could be in danger.

  3. Sean says:

    Go look at the wind map http://hint.fm/wind/ there is a huge low in the upper midwest dumping snow in the upper great plains. It’s pulling a ton energy out of the tropical system.

  4. Chuck says:

    While serving in the USAF I was stationed at Hurlburt Field (Ft. Walton Beach FL) for six years. I went through countless tropical storms and Hurricane Ivan. I laughed that FEMA was being activated for a tropical storm that is forecasted to weaken before land fall. This Government overreaction to everything now is just ridiculous.

  5. LOL in Oregon says:

    you guys should be nicer to the poor soul, after all, according to NOAA
    if you had been “decapitated” you’d be a bit disorganized, too!

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