King Says Tea Party Are Terrorists

ScreenHunter_1528 Oct. 15 00.10

ScreenHunter_1527 Oct. 15 00.09 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to King Says Tea Party Are Terrorists

  1. R. de Haan says:

    The NSA right now is collecting all contact information of American citizens as the Government prepares for a Siege after the collapse of the US dollar.
    US Government is the real terrorist.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Totalitarian control is the only viable reason for the NSA to collect contact data at such a scale.
    Totalitarian control or simple because they can. However it must be stated that the current NSA activities ARE AGAINST THE LAW.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    It’s never politics alone that drive change. It’s Wall Street and the Bank, today and in the past:

    No political doctrine can survive or clim to power without the support of the banks.
    This goes for the Communists, the Nazi’s, and today the Greens and the Globalists.

    What the banksters decide happens.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    “To know everything” was the motto of the former DDR STASI. Remember….!

  5. Andy Oz says:

    King George III and Obama have so much in common as imperialist dictators.
    Father and grand father born and bred in another country.
    Mother was Augusta from Germany (Saxe Gotha), Wife born in Germany
    Monarchy was bankrupt by his death. Taxpayer bail out required.
    Government was a rubber stamp that kept raising taxes on subjects including Tea tax.
    Very religious. Prosecuted disastrous wars with both left and right wing governments.
    Raised taxes and armies, suspended habeas corpus, and lost the United States.
    Suffered dementia, was blind, deaf and mad at the end of his reign.
    Apart from the German wife and his bad wigs, you’d think it was the same guy. Actually I’m not sure but I might be wrong about the wigs.

    Right now the US look like it needs an election or a new bunch of traitors like Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Washington et al. Very strange conjunction.

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