LA Times Declares Themselves To Be The Judge Of Truth And Knowledge

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” – Albert Einstein

LA Times bans letters from climate skeptics

Reached at his home on Friday, Thornton told his policy was being misinterpreted. “This is not a blanket ban on ‘skeptics.’ What it does ban is factual inaccuracy,”

LA Times bans letters from climate skeptics | Fox News

This is same LA Times which publishes factual inaccuracies about the climate almost every day.  They said in August that New Mexico would never recover from the drought – right before New Mexico flooded.

Aug. 6, 2013

But nowhere is it worse than in New Mexico. In this parched state, the question is no longer how much worse it can get but whether it will ever get better — and, ominously, whether collapsing ecosystems can recover even if it does.

In New Mexico, water levels in the once-mighty Rio Grande are so low that it is often referred to as the “Rio Sand.” In some parts of the state, officials fear ecosystems are collapsing.

New Mexico is the driest of the dry –

Five weeks later, New Mexico was struggling to stay dry.

Sep 15, 2013

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Another round of rainfall moved across New Mexico on Sunday, renewing the threat of heavy runoff from already saturated soils and flooding in low areas as residents faced a major cleanup effort from damage left in the wake of days of relentless rain.

The National Weather Service issued a flash flood watch for much of central and northern New Mexico. In the northeastern corner of the state, where the chance for heavy rain was greatest, residents who live along the Gallinas River were being warned that the waterway could swell again.

Parts of New Mexico Brace for More Rain, Clean Up Begins –

ScreenHunter_538 Sep. 13 15.10

Bandelier National Monument experienced two large flood events, one late afternoon Thursday, Sept. 12 and the other this morning.

Flooding in Frijoles Canyon prompted Superintendent Jason Lott to close the monument for the safety of visitors due to debris on trails and the potential for flooding throughout the weekend.  Bandelier staff will begin clean-up efforts as soon as rains subside and hope to re-open the monument by Monday, Sept. 16.

Los Alamos Daily Post | Your locally owned community news source…

  • State Parks Temporary Closures:  Morphy Lake, Coyote Creek, Brantley Lake, Elephant Butte Lake main boat ramp.  Open with possible debris issues:  Santa Rosa Lake (risen 20 feet in last 48 hours), Sumner Lake (+ 24 feet last 48 hours), Conchas Lake (+ 5 feet last 24 hours).  Other temporary closures possible as necessary.  (3:51 p.m.)
  • Rio Grande is at 8 feet, 1 foot below flood stage at Otowi between Pojoaque and Los Alamo, National Weather Service reported just before 3 p.m.  Also warning people to stay away from the river from San Felipe downstream through Bernalillo County as flood surge expected.  (3:30 p.m.)
  • West Road in Los Alamos is CLOSED.  All other roads in Los Alamos County are open. Los Alamos County crews will continue to deal with all flooding and road issues by priority. NMDOT also has crews on site to clear any rock fall on Main Hill Road. Please be patient as we work through the issues and avoid travel if possible.

KASA – Rains cause evacuations, flooding in NM

A few days later the LA Times warned their readers about rising sea levels.

ScreenHunter_36 Aug. 22 22.18

Climate change deniers live in ignorant bliss as seas keep rising

But there has been no sea level rise in LA for three decades.

ScreenHunter_37 Aug. 22 22.24

Data and Station Information for SANTA MONICA (MUNICIPAL PIER)

The LA publishes misinformation about the climate constantly, and their stance is indicative of their own stupidity, prejudice and uselessness at journalism.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to LA Times Declares Themselves To Be The Judge Of Truth And Knowledge

  1. R. de Haan says:

    Even worse, Reps party of hope…..??????

    The world is filled with lunatics.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    The poverty machine of the masses, you won’t hear about at the LA Times, the paper for happy hookers:

  3. gofer says:

    I post this comment from Dot Earth because I never seen a better example of “projection”. They are specifically referring to the Tea Party and others on the right.

    “The problem arises when scientific findings clash with political positions. In the case of climate science deniers it’s when you start talking about the environment, especially in the context of human caused global warming. That’s when people who are perfectly rational and are scientific literates suddenly reject valid scientific findings. This is what can make someone appear “stupid” when they aren’t.

    “It doesn’t matter how trivial it is, often they will outright reject anything that contradicts their position. Which makes it extremely difficult to have a factual based discussion with a climate science denier. This behaviour doesn’t stem from not understanding science, but it’s their ideological mental armour that’s preventing them from accepting valid scientific findings.”

    • Andy DC says:

      In other words “my way or the highway”. If anyone knows an iota about the “scientific method”, it is that all concusions are subject to challange and reanalysis. If that were not true, we would still all believe that sun rotates around the earth.

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    LA Times still publishes daily horoscopes.

  5. Sundance says:

    So when someone writes a comment that GMOs are dangerous the LAT plans to remove it because the science shows no such thing? Or when someone comments that fracking causes water from faucets to become flammable, the LAT will remove it? I doubt it. This will be a selective policy that will not apply to whacky left beliefs that are not supported by scientific.

  6. Pathway says:

    Using their own logic they should now ban themselves from publishing any information on the climate.

  7. planet88788 says:

    People should ban themselves from reading the times

  8. Kepler says:

    It is truly mind boggling how numerous and widespread the cocksure stupid are. I suppose it has always been that way. Eventually the truth catches up with them and exposes them for what they are. Someday the climate-change buffoons will wake up and say to themselves “Wow, we sure wasted a whole sh*tload of money!” I hope I live to see that day.

  9. BC says:

    This is precisely why I’ve referred to that birdcage liner as New Pravda West. There is no thought allowed outside of the politically-correct party line talking points. The sad part is, at least half of the U.S. population have been indoctrinated to swallow the KoolAid without a second thought. Jim Jones would be envious at the delusional mass devotion to such a suicidal cult that has been put together by the Marxists and their minions in the government.

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