LA Times Explains Their Decision To Ban Skeptical Letters

ScreenHunter_1301 Oct. 08 21.20

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to LA Times Explains Their Decision To Ban Skeptical Letters

  1. Rex says:

    Has the LA Times heard of the internet? The days of big newspapers controlling the message is over.

    • GregO says:

      I should say “good riddance to most of them”, with LA and NY Times at the head of the list. Liars. Traitors. Frauds.

    • Andy Oz says:

      That chart explains why the standard of journalism in western economies has dropped this last decade. It’s too expensive to write an analysis of a media release so they just publish the media releases. Jeez – politicians will soon only have public broadcasting networks to get their message out soon and they are predominantly lefties. Once the government goes broke they will have to resort to standing on soapboxes in the mall!

  2. Hew Manatee says:

    You should open up a “Wall of Shame” page for media organisations that ban sceptical comment.
    The New Maine Times is one you can add to the list – I posted a comment yesterday – today: vanished. And this from an organisation that promotes itself as: “providing quality journalism”

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