Mafia Explains That People Want To Pay Protection Money

President calls his last three years work unacceptable, says that forced compliance is a sign that people love it.

‘UNACCEPTABLE’: White House vows to fix ObamaCare site issues

Obama administration officials and other Democrats appeared to respond Sunday to increasing pressure for a full, public explanation from the Health and Human Services Department about the problem-plagued federal health care website.

The agency on Sunday posted a blog on its site with some preliminary statistics and an assurance to Americans that officials are “working around the clock” and “committed to doing better.”

And President Obama is scheduled Monday to publicly address the issue. The White House said Sunday the president will directly address the technical problems with the site that “he and his team find unacceptable.”

The 918-word blog acknowledges the glitches have been “frustrating” for Americans and states roughly 500,000 applications for coverage have been submitted. It also states that has had roughly 19 million unique visits, which “confirms that the American people are looking for quality, affordable health coverage, and want to find it online.”

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If you don’t purchase our product, we will toss you in jail.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Mafia Explains That People Want To Pay Protection Money

  1. Gamecock says:

    “Democrats appeared to respond Sunday to increasing pressure”

    Only the legacy press can bring “pressure” on the Dems.


    “Experts enlisted to fix glitches in

    Amy Goldstein

    The online insurance marketplace’s shaky rollout, plagued with technical defects, has prompted the Obama administration to call in more troubleshooters to debug the site.”

    Pressure? Bull$#|+.

    “Technical defects” my A$$. None of the problems I have heard of were “technical.” Bad coding isn’t “technical.” But by calling it “technical,” you conceal the real nature of the problems. It is a dodge.

  2. slimething says:

    If Congress passed a law and POTUS signed it allowing competition across state lines, people would be able to “find it online”.

    • Gamecock says:

      States have their own bonding requirements and reserve pools for insurance companies. “Across state lines” is not as simple as it seems.

  3. Wyguy says:

    Paul Joseph Goebbels, Pravda, Baghdad Bob, Barack Hussein (Barry Soetoro) Obama the four horsemen of the LIE.

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