Need Help From Readers

Perhaps I am being too harsh on Obama. There must be something good he has done, but I just can’t think of anything.

If you have any ideas, please submit them to the Obamacare number 1-800-Fuckyo

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Need Help From Readers

  1. Chewer says:

    Well, he’s made the worthless pieces of sheet in society feel wanted and quite important-:)

  2. daveburton says:

    Well, Obama is the reason that Massachusetts elected a (sort-of) Republican Senator (for a little less than three years).

    • …who immediately enabled Obamacare to pass (was he John Roberts in disguise?)

      • daveburton says:

        Brown has many faults, but he did not enable ObamaCare to pass.

        The Democrats rammed ObamaCare through despite Brown’s election and opposition to ObamaCare, by violating the Constitutional requirement that “All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

        Sen. Brown was in office from February 4, 2010 to January 3, 2013. After he was elected, there were no longer enough Democrats in the Senate to overcome a filibuster, so ObamaCare was thought to be dead. But the Democrats pulled a fast one.

        Senate Democrats had previously taken an unrelated House bill, HR-3590, and replaced its contents entirely, with their proposed healthcare reform bill. That was unconstitutional; they did it to get a House bill number onto what was entirely a Senate bill.

        At the time, it was known that it could not pass the House, so it was expected that it would go to a conference committee to work out a compromise with the House. But after the Dems lost Brown’s seat, they no longer had the ability to muster 60 votes to pass a compromise bill in the Senate. So, instead, they did a back-room deal: the House agreed to pass the Senate’s bill with no changes (so that another Senate vote wouldn’t be needed), and the Democrat leadership of both chambers promised their reluctant House member that they would fix the problems with the bill using an arcane process which wouldn’t need 60 votes, that involved amending a different bill.

  3. crosspatch says:

    I think he has made a lot of people think twice about their support for the Democratic Party. That’s a good thing.

  4. tom0mason says:

    He has (with the help of J Kerry) made Russia look really good politically.

  5. In a serious vein, Obama accidentally did something good to NASA:
    Obama is Right, and I Think the Republican’s Wrong.”

    ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  6. Paul in Sweden says:

    Stumped. The first time Obama was elected I thought maybe he would do some of the things he said he would do. An upgrade and hardening of the American Power Grid would fall under federal jurisdiction but that never happened. Having seen that the democrats squandered federal funds on casinos that make donations to the DNC instead of levees that would protect a town(NOLA) that really just should be evacuated and reclaimed by mother nature…that never happened. I didn’t see reservoirs, dams or seawalls built. That one perplexes me. If you are jumping up and down about both floods and droughts why the heck have you not been hell bent on building reservoirs, dams, floodgates or seawalls? How can I take a proclaimed crisis seriously when the groups that are presumed to be most affected will not implement the most basic approaches to mitigate and adapt to the historical variability? -Paul

  7. Robertv says:

    He boasted arms sales.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    The Guardian says we should believe everything Obama says because governments and politicians never ever lie.

  9. He killed Bin Laden several times.

  10. James Anderson says:

    He has made golf and basketball the two programs of primary focus in his administration.

  11. kbray in california says:

    He’s made George Bush the First seem less like a whimp.

  12. The Iconoclast says:

    He refocused NASA and gave it a new purpose. He closed Guantanamo, ended the war in Afghanistan, kept us free of foreign entanglements, made the economy green, and ushered in a new era of prosperity. He got us affordable health care. He brought peace to the Middle East, defused tensions with Iran and North Korea, and he cut back the security state and the spying that was endemic under his predecessor. Using the influence of his office and unique ability, as a black man, to speak to other blacks in a powerful way, he rebuked those who blamed whites for their problems, calling on them to renounce hate, end violence, and to strive to succeed. He broke the power of the banks, jailing corrupt insiders such as John Corzine, sending a powerful message to the others to not just obey the law but to honor the spirit of it as well. He restored our faith in government, reaching across the aisle to deftly craft compromises with the loyal opposition. He stopped global warming, secured our energy independence, and I’m not certain of this, but I think my clothes are coming out of the wash a little cleaner.

  13. philjourdan says:

    You listed his only accomplishment in your article. He was honest with the phone number.

  14. Hugh K says:

    He added 7 (or possibly 8 – but who’s counting in the demedia?) States to the US and it only cost us 6 trillion more dollars in debt. We can’t visit them yet — Aside from these additional states not being named yet or even located on a map, they’ve been barricaded by the NPS due to O’s legendary negotiating skills…
    And my favorite…..more recently O became the first Dem President to piss off unions by carjacking their Cadillac health plans.

  15. Stefan v says:

    He isn’t gone yet, perhaps he might turn around and do something good. Not holding my breath….(apart from the times when my 480kg of baked beans manifest a repercussion or two).

  16. gator69 says:

    He improved Jimmy Carter’s image.

  17. Something about lipstick on a pig. Though he just might bring back the phrase, “Your mother’s mustache!”

    Oops, I meant, “Yer Mudder’s mustache!”

  18. Avery Harden says:

    As a supporter and beyond the partisian snark, I can think of some good things about President Obama. Instead of expanding our military involvement into counter productive projects, we have pulled back from Iraq and Afghanistan and avoided being sucked into Syria. Obama has been smart about using the military for short, achieveable objectives. I think it was smart the way we now have the Russians doing something helpful with Syria. Our only real interest in Syria is making sure the chemical weapons don’t fall into the hands of terrorist. The smart economic sanctions on Iran are causing them great pain and maybe, just maybe, something good can come out of that.
    I respected George Bush as president thou I did not vote for him. He made his mistakes and the direction he pushed the country was not what I would have preferred. But, he was a good man. Obama is a good man and doesn’t deserve the disrespect coming from you all. Putting superhuman pressue on our president, even if you did not vote for him, is not good for the country.

    • Latitude says:

      Avery, if a republican had to hurry up and pass it….so you can read what’s in it
      we’d have to take a putty knife to peal you off the ceiling

    • philjourdan says:

      He did not pull back from Iraq, Bush did. he has not pulled back from Afghanistan yet, he has doubled down on it.

      He has been sucked into Syria (we are arming and training Al Qaeda there), and would be more deeply involved if not for the actions of Putin.

      He did not initiate sanctions on Iran, those were initiated by his predecessors.

      And finally, disagreement is not disrespect. Nor does anyone “deserve” respect. They either earn it or they do not.

  19. Shazaam says:

    O-Bomb-Ya has certainly given new meaning to the phrase “droning on and on”.

    Sadly that’s about the best I can come up with for Mr. Hopey-Changy. The fact that he is making people fondly reminisce about the administrations of Bush and Slick Willie is not necessarily a good thing.

  20. phodges says:

    He makes GW look good.

    Seriously, he is making some people wake up to the fact America is a one party state.

  21. Pathway says:

    Obama is not a good man but rather the face on fascism in America.

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