New Paper Demonstrates That Climate Scientists Will Say Anything For Pay

ScreenHunter_1473 Oct. 14 06.50

ScreenHunter_1474 Oct. 14 06.50

Twitter / ret_ward: New paper concludes that man-made …

Another modeling study which ignored the actual data.

ScreenHunter_1475 Oct. 14 06.53

Weather Extremes : U.S Record Short-term Rainfalls | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to New Paper Demonstrates That Climate Scientists Will Say Anything For Pay

  1. QV says:

    Even IF heavy rainfall events did “intensify” over the short-term, that would not prove it was caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

  2. tom0mason says:

    What’s in the paper –

    …precipitation amounts over the Northern Hemisphere land area for 1951–2005 and compare observed changes with expected responses to external forcings as simulated by multiple coupled climate models participating in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5. The effect of anthropogenic forcings can be detected in extreme precipitation observations, both individually and when simultaneously estimating anthropogenic and naturally forced changes. The effect of natural forcings is not detectable. …

    So they can see human made increased rain but not extremes in natural variations.
    Yeh, go figure.

  3. That other scientists take climate scientists seriously–much less allow them to dictate government tyranny–is an indictment of all of science. That is why none of them dare to admit they were all wrong to let this come to pass. A generation of deaf, dumb and blind monkeys in place of real scientists. Honest scientists should be marching on Washington.

    • Dave in canmore says:

      The reason any of the journals that publish such speculative drek are still in business is that a blind eye is cast by every other scientist. Their silence is quickly destroying their own credibility. It’s not so much their responsibility to call out bad work, but how can they not see how this is destroying the sciences and ultimately not in their self interest to remain silent?

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Everytime I see one of these warmist tweets posted I think about the companies that were sued by the government for posting fake reviews online. Somehow I think that the warmists will escape punishment for daily pumping this BS out.

  5. UK rainfall shows similar results.

    Apart from one event in 2009, all the others on the list were decades ago.

    • QV says:

      Yet in 2006, Dr Hayley Fowler and scientists from Newcastle University, found that “extreme rainfall events” were becoming more frequent and intense as a result of “climate change”.
      But then they only looked at records from 1961-2000.
      Of course the findings matched the model predictions, so they must be correct:
      “The pattern of change in extremes uncovered by Dr Fowler and colleagues matches the predictions made in a number of models that estimate the scale and speed of climate change over the next century. ”
      But when the figures for South East England didn’t agree with theory, they went on looking until they found some figures which did:
      “The probability of an extreme rainfall event in South East England over five and ten day events actually decreased by 1.5 times but further analysis showed that this part of the country is experiencing a greater frequency of smaller extreme rainfall events, and a change in the timing of such events, with a greater frequency in autumn months.”
      I think they call that “confirmation bias”!

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