No Backbone? The Republican Spinal Fund Seeks a Cure

As Republicans agreed to end the government shutdown, fund Obamacare and raise the debt ceiling, the urgent need for a charity to help shore up their ailing backbones was brought to light.

Every eight seconds, a conservative Republican gives in to the Socialist demands of a fanatical Democrat due to a missing, or weakened, backbone. But, now there’s hope.

Now, there’s a charity specifically dedicated to providing weak-willed Republicans with the strong backbones they need to stand up to liberal name-calling – The Republican Spinal Fund’s “Brace for the Cure.”

Must watch video at :  No Backbone? The Republican Spinal Fund Seeks a Cure | CNS News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to No Backbone? The Republican Spinal Fund Seeks a Cure

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    NYC health insurance rates plunge under Obamacare:
    New York state residents will be able to get health insurance next year on the Obamacare exchange for half the average price available in the state today.

    I’ve started spending about $250-300 a month on blueberries as part of a low carb diet that keeps me attractively thin after the price shock of existing health insurance as a 47 year old bachelor who no longer gets free “domestic partner” (female, BTW) insurance from Google. Obama is quite popular here, for even better reason now. Wow!

  2. Gamecock says:

    Health insurance company business model:

    benefits paid + admin cost + profit = revenue

    Federal government dictates can’t change this.

    As admin cost is nearly fixed, and profit margins are already slim, health insurance for $280 a month in Buffalo will result in limited benefits, else insurance companies will stop selling it.

    Of course, driving private insurance companies out, so the federal government can step in, is what Obamacare was always about.

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