Nobel Prize Winner : Arctic Ice Free In A Few Months – World Spinning Out Of Kilter


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Nobel Prize Winner : Arctic Ice Free In A Few Months – World Spinning Out Of Kilter

  1. omanuel says:

    George Orwell failed to explicitly mention the role of the Nobel Prize committee in a new tyrannical world order.

    That oversight was corrected by the above video.

    Here’s the rest of the story from the time George Orwell started writing his futuristic novel.

  2. geologyjim says:

    The beauty of the Internet is that it allows us to recall and remember profound acts of stupidity and arrogance at a moment’s notice

    over and over and over again.

    • Ian W says:

      Al Gore is not stupid, the people who paid him money are the stupid ones. Al the Grifter and his shills are now stepping out of the game having made $MILLIONS he can laugh all the way to the bank. Even if the new ice-age comes he’s not going to be concerned he’s ‘only a politician’ after all. The academics who supported him are the ones that will look irretrievably stupid and venal selling their ethics for research funds.

  3. Jason Calley says:

    “The world is spinning out of kilter!”

    Thank goodness! I always worried that perhaps the world might have too much kilter…

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