Not Too Difficult To See Where Things Are Headed In The US

Obama doesn’t get his way, so he sends in heavily armed paramilitary units to block off our access to our National Parks. The states and private businesses have offered to pay for the operations of the park, but Obama is not interested keeping the parks open.

Guess what comes next? America needs to stop staring at Miley Cyrus’ incredibly disgusting tongue, and wake up. We are in serious trouble. Congress needs to stop Obama cold, and start impeachment proceedings. Our system can’t survive a president who calls Congress arsonists and terrorists.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Not Too Difficult To See Where Things Are Headed In The US

  1. Jason Calley says:

    I am perhaps wrong, but the chances of Congress (and the Senate) removing Obama is far less than I wish. We may be at the point that the more likely choice is for the Governors and State Legislatures to actively refuse to obey the Federal Government, and to organize a Constitutional Convention. They can do that without permission or action from the Feds. A second (and in my opinion a less desirable) possibility is that elements of the US military fulfil their oath, remove the acting government, and call for new elections. God save us from these madmen and traitors in office.

  2. Jason Calley says:

    My apologies if I sound too extreme, but we are right on the cusp of choosing whether we are cattle or free humans.

  3. Chuck says:

    I think that is asking a lot after reading the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies study. Idiocracy is happening. wont be long till the average American starts watering their plants with electrolytes.

  4. Chewer says:

    Hope & Change and A Fundamental Transformation of America has arrived!

  5. Rex says:

    This can’t be the same country that put a man on the moon 44 years ago. What happened?

  6. Paul in Sweden says:

    They tax the air we breath. In some locations they tax you for the rain that falls on your roof. I am open to suggestions on solutions but lately I can only think of bringing back the practice of DEFENESTRATION!!!

  7. Andy says:

    It takes two to tango. Your shutdown is partly due to the right wing of the GOP not wishing to compromise either of course.


    • R. de Haan says:

      Yeah, whatever happens, it’s always the fault of the GOP, especially the right wing of the GOP.

      What I’ve heard in the news so far is that it is Obama who closed the door on talks, not the other way around.

      In the mean time ZH reports economic confidence is in free fall now:

      Just like the Stocks:

      The corruption and abuse of the financial economic system is going to bite Obama in the ass and if you realize who his bread masters his job, just like his job approval numbers will be hanging by a thread.

    • We take this “shutdown” as a GOOD sign, of some backbone in our representatives. (And I am an independent, not a Republican, who voted Democratic from Carter in 1976 up to but NOT including Obama and the Insane Left in 2008–for reasons that should now be obvious, but still are not to the ideologically deluded, like you).

    • gator69 says:

      Wrong again Andy. Skeeter is the only one saying that he will not budge.

    • Gamecock says:

      The House passed four compromises, which were dutifully killed by the Senate.

      Tell us about the Dems proposed compromises. Oh, you didn’t make any? Well, whose shutdown is it now?

    • higley7 says:

      WHen the left is constantly pushing toward the left, compromise, will always move us left.

      The GOP needs to push harder to the right.

      AND there are some things that do not call for a compromise.

      Is the budget balanced? Yes or No. If no, get out and rewrite it.

      Do we have too much debt? Yes or No. If yes, get out and rewrite it.

      Are we still raiding the Social Security Trust Fund for current cash? Yes or no. If yes, get out and rewrite it.

      Can we afford our extensive entitlement programs? Yes or no. If No, back to the drawing board.

    • Gamecock says:

      Andy says:
      October 9, 2013 at 5:16 am

      It takes two to tango. Your shutdown is partly due to the right wing of the GOP not wishing to compromise either of course.


      After further review, I have further comment.

      Two to tango. No, it takes three. Due to the Senate’s criminal failure to produce a budget, the government has been financing itself with Continuing Resolutions for years.
      To authorize a new CR:

      1. The House approves a CR (they have approved FOUR)
      2. The Senate acts on the CR (they have rejected all four)
      3. The President signs the bill (there has been no bill; the Senate has killed all)

      Andy, saying “Your shutdown” is ignorant. The Republican held House did its job. The Democrat held Senate rejected all. Knowing the process, and who did what, I repeat, “Your shutdown” is ignorant. Or do you know better, and are just lying?

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