Nuttercelli Says That Disastrously Failed Climate Models Were Spot On Accurate

Apparently the IPCC actually predicted no warming for the past 17 years and record snowfall, but just worded it incorrectly in a way which made it sound like they were saying the exact opposite.

ScreenHunter_06 Oct. 05 23.26

IPCC model global warming projections have done much better than you think | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Nuttercelli Says That Disastrously Failed Climate Models Were Spot On Accurate

  1. OP says:

    Austin Powers captures the essence Dana’s work.

  2. tom0mason says:

    In Dana’s virtual world the models are always correct. It’s when he checks with the real world that it all fails apart.

  3. Pathway says:

    Dana may only live in the virtual world and any real world data is seen as a fantasy land.

  4. Berthold Klein says:

    A quote that is being applied regularly now : There are liars. there are dam liars and now there is the IPCC.

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