Obama Announces That Socialized Medicine And A Massive New Middle Class Tax Is More Important To Him Than National Security

Obama can get the government funded any time he wants, by simply passing any one of the budget bills being sent over from the House of Representatives. He simply needs to agree to give the American people the same Obamacare relief which he gave businesses a couple of weeks ago.

ScreenHunter_1201 Oct. 02 08.51

US government shutdown enters second day without resolution – live | World news | theguardian.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama Announces That Socialized Medicine And A Massive New Middle Class Tax Is More Important To Him Than National Security

  1. bullright says:

    James Clapper has awoken from his sleep to find he has fewer intel employees than he had before. So he must continue to do the same amount of spying on us with less people.How unfair! What a daunting task. To think they’ll likely get retro-active pay at some point….

  2. Okie says:

    I’m sure the NSA employees who spy on us are emergency essential. Al Qaeda and Iran? Meh.

  3. Ed says:

    No surprise at all. We don’t need security because we will soon be part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

  4. A 70% reduction would be the first move I would make after I’m made King of the World. It brings clarity and focus to the mission. People will be dramatically more efficient, and I would guess that MORE work will get done. We did >80% at work once and we came out of it vastly more efficient and productive. We are a far better company now by almost any measure you can shake a stick at.

  5. gator69 says:

    How about giving us the same healthcare package he enjoys. Or congress.

    When did WE THE PEOPLE become peasantry under a ruling aristocracy?

  6. scizzorbill says:

    Clapper perjured himself before Congress. Why would anyone believe anything he says? Even if true, the administration can deem them essential, and put them back to work.

  7. R. de Haan says:

    Sends goons to keep war veterans away from war memorial: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/wwii-memorial-rand-paul-97708.html

  8. Kaboom says:

    There’s no reason for more of their workers to be active in the first place because every one they have more will just snoop for things that are not the government’s business.

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