Obama Describes Himself As A Terrorist And Arsonist

ScreenHunter_1306 Oct. 09 05.30

ScreenHunter_1307 Oct. 09 05.37

Annotating Obama’s 2006 speech against boosting the debt limit – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Obama Describes Himself As A Terrorist And Arsonist

  1. It’s not hard to find another example: “I didn’t know Rev. Wright was such a hateful ideologue, through the past 20 years of going to his church and sitting through his sermons with my family.” And then another right on top of that: “Nevertheless, he is a close friend, whom I could never abandon” (this, just before Wright turned on him, so he indeed quickly abandoned him).

    Imagine if the electorate had recognized and rejected that major-league lie–the first of the Obama era–and with it Obama, 5 and 1/2 years ago… On the other hand, we have all had our eyes opened to just how divided America is–how much at war with itself, and how willing the majority are to imbibe every lie–in that time.

  2. gator69 says:

    He was from Kenya, before he wasn’t.

  3. tom0mason says:

    And he has really help his homeland’s Government Debt To GDP ratio –

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