Obama Kicking Up A Lot Of Dust

Obama is raising as much dust as he can in an effort to scare weak-minded RINOs into caving.

Bottom line is that the dust will have settled long before next year’s elections, and Obama’s unprecedented disgusting behavior will be a massive liability to Democrats. He is a genuine third world dictator wannabee.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Obama Kicking Up A Lot Of Dust

  1. R. de Haan says:

    If a foreign nation had launched an attack on America to destroy its coal-fired plants, to shut down its coal mines, and to thwart its ability to drill for oil and natural gas, we would be at war with it. – Alan Caruba


  2. bkivey says:

    ” He is a genuine third world dictator wannabee.”
    I’ll buy him a one-way ticket to the third-world country of his choosing.

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