Obama Purging All Of The Top Military Brass

The Stumbled and fallen…..Why are many of our high US military officers departing military service for obscure reasons?

Are these senior officers being ‘shown the door’ deliberately? These occurrences are very unsettling. We’ll just have to wait for the scuttlebutt I guess. Let’s just pray no dishonor is coming to them from the Communist-in-Chief (DINO).

This strange chain of firings from the Military is so bizarre and so unheard of that even Dianne Sawyer of ABC news reached out to cover it when the 9th, yes 9th, Military Commanding Officer was relieved of duty in less than a year. This doesn’t include the long list last year, this is just the nine individuals this year alone.

The Stumbled and fallen…..Why are many of our high US military officers departing military service for obscure reasons? 

In order to stage a coup, you have to have control of the military.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Purging All Of The Top Military Brass

  1. D. Self says:

    Most Military leaders and personnel would never fire or use force against American citizens but brain washed Libs might.

  2. Pathway says:

    Stalin purged so many high level generals that the Soviets got their butts kicked all the way to Moscow until Zhukov was put in charge.

  3. phodges says:

    Or start WWIII

  4. gator69 says:

    It’s not just the top…

    “Every day, Charlie Strange, the father of one of the 30 Americans who died Aug. 6, 2011, in the flash of a rocket-propelled grenade, asks himself whether his son, Michael, was set up by someone inside the Afghan government wanting revenge on Osama bin Laden’s killers — SEAL Team 6.

    “Somebody was leaking to the Taliban,” said Mr. Strange, whose son intercepted communications as a Navy cryptologist. “They knew. Somebody tipped them off. There were guys in a tower. Guys on the bush line. They were sitting there, waiting. And they sent our guys right into the middle.”


  5. Wyguy says:

    Not to worry, the military will be gutted very soon. It’s the civilian goons I’d be worried about.

  6. omanuel says:

    Most of those who recognized government deception in Climategate emails and documents in November 2009 failed to recognize this as confirmation of George Orwell’s prediction, that he started writing in 1946, of a new tyrannical government:


    Here is a one-page synopsis of the problem facing us today:


    Two recent videos illustrate how ordinary citizens are controlled.



  7. Shazaam says:

    It IS curious….

    Perhaps the NSA has been sniffing out those who believe in upholding their oaths and O-Bomb-Ya can’t have military officers like that.

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