Obama Says He Wants One Person In One Branch Of Government Making All The Unreasonable Decisions

Those pesky majority elected representatives of the citizenry keep interfering with Obama’s plans to be dictator.

Speaking from the Rose Garden at the White House on Tuesday afternoon, President Obama said he would not give in to unreasonable demands by “one faction, of one party, of one house of Congress in one branch of government.”

House G.O.P. Stands Firm on Shutdown, but Dissent Grows – NYTimes.com

This is the same Obama who stepped off the golf course a few weeks ago and illegally delayed Obamacare by a year for his business cronies.

A Google search for “Obama bypass Congress” turns up 2,740,000 hits

ScreenHunter_1166 Oct. 01 14.45

“Congress generally has to stop governing by crisis,” he added

Obama’s entire presidency has been governing by crisis.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama Says He Wants One Person In One Branch Of Government Making All The Unreasonable Decisions

  1. Gamecock says:

    Harry Reid can pass a budget, as legally required, to avoid future “crisis.” The CR crisis was created by the Dems.

  2. bullright says:

    Dems claim they tried to talk to Repubs about the budget. However, Dems demanded an automatic debt ceiling and refused to negotiate on it. So they scheduled the shutdown for months. The Statue of Liberty. If it was open before, it was only weeks. It was shuttered before Hurricane Sandy. (they were turning away tours this summer) All we hear are lies.

  3. Andy DC says:

    I thought we fought a war to get rid of an oppresive King, not coronate another.

  4. Pathway says:

    What ever happened to checks and balances?

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Imperator Obama. Has a nice ring to it – if you are a progressive.

  6. AndrewS says:

    “Congress generally has to stop governing by crisis,” he added
    Obama’s entire presidency has been governing by crisis.
    Exactly what I thought when I heard this today!

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