RSS and UAH satellite data have served the critical function of limiting the amount of temperature record cheating going on at NOAA and NASA since 1979, but Obama has taken advantage of the Obamacare disaster and shut down the satellite temperature data.
Government Shutdown Affects RSS Data
Date Added: Tuesday, October 1, 2013
As of October 1, 2013, the US Government has shutdown, resulting in NOAA CLASS data distribution services being taken offline. This is our source of SSM/I, SSMIS, and AMSU data that we use to produce RSS Ocean Data and Air Temperature products.
Government Shutdown Affects RSS Data | Remote Sensing Systems
Gestapo Tactics meet senior citizens ad tourists at Yellowstone
Sorry, the posting above was planned for the Wild Bill subject.
Now it’s a clear “off topic”.
Actually it’s not off topic but another example of a forced agenda…. Forcing Climate Change theology on us… Forcing higher taxes and a Lifestyle/Societal change … Forcing people out of National Parks at gunpoint.. Guess these National Parks aren’t so National…
My brother (works for NASA) is enjoying his extended vacation time. He has been spending much of it hunting, fishing and gardening. Nothing like a government shutdown to make a government job really sweet.
Ahh well the cooling will continue and we wont know about it.. but we will FEEL it LOL