Obama To Explain Why He Spent The Last Four Years Playing Golf, Instead Of Doing His Job

ScreenHunter_1710 Oct. 21 09.02

Obama to address healthcare glitches New

ScreenHunter_1711 Oct. 21 09.04

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama To Explain Why He Spent The Last Four Years Playing Golf, Instead Of Doing His Job

  1. Kepler says:

    He really needs to take some golf fashion lessons from Fred Couples.

  2. Hugh K says:

    Obama outsourced his job to the media a long time ago – continuous campaigning.

  3. Stewart Pid says:

    Prime Minister Tony Abbott, a regular volunteer with his local Rural Fire Service brigade, did a 14-hour night shift at the weekend in the Blue Mountains to help with backburning, his office said in an e-mailed statement.

  4. tom0mason says:

    Another project that was politician initiated, bureaucrat specified, hardware from the cheapest sources, software designed thrown together by groups that won the lowest cost competitive tender.
    Fixed by who?

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