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Reblogged this on U.S. Constitutional Free Press.
Makes me want to storm an embassy somewhere.
I’m just going to poke fun at this stuff over vitamin D stuff… This lady has diabetic type one… clearly if her mother had enough vitamin D to begin with as a pregnant mother and lactating mother, that would have never happened. https://www.google.com/search?q=vitamin+d+deficiency+diabetes+type+1&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS457US457&oq=vitamin+D+diabetes+ty&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j0l5.7947j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8
So… how do we fix this massive health problem based on massive screwed up science, even worse than CAWG based on CO2?
It was just a few years ago that I brought up vitamin D deficiency that a couple medical doctors asking me about it as if they completely know nothing about it. As it turns out, nutrition classes aren’t main part of medical training… There are very few MDs that actually got it right.
As Phoebe Buffet would say, “CAWG is DAWG with a C”. Since I consider the climate debate incompetent to the point of insanity, I’m open to new ways to acronymatize (brand new, proprietary word; patent pending) CAGW. CWAG has possibilities….
I thought this from the moment I heard the story. If you are giving a speech, you don’t turn around at exactly the moment required to catch someone fainting. Feigning, yes, fainting, no.
This is more Theatrical corn to make the Pretendident look like a hero instead of the zero that he is.
What sick, twisted creatures Progtards are. Pathetic and loathsome.
Feigning. Yes. The same feigning he did at that June ‘climate change’ speech … when he kept mopping his forehead with a handkerchief in order to demonstrate how ‘hot’ the planet was. Disgusting display … one of the few times his governance was truly transparent. Fooled nobody.
I wonder how many time Obama used that trick when he was a community charlatan?
Unless one of the conspirators talk, there will be no proof (and of course as we know from Vince Foster, accidents do happen to those who talk).
But I am convinced.
They dusted this lame trick off and used it again. All of that fainting and carrying on during Hussein’s campaign was faked. Everything that these people do is stage craft. For them it’s always all about putting one over on the rubes.
You know, I’d give them the benefit of the doubt except for every single thing they’ve said and done.
There’s the bottom line.
Oh come on, this truther crap is why it’s so easy to call conservatives stupid. It’s clear the woman was zoning out and people noticed. They were speaking to each other and trying not to make a scene.
This actually shows how study liberals are for falling for this crap.
Yes, and Obama Never knew about Fast & Furious, Never was made aware of Benghazi, never said there were 57 states, never saw dead people at a rally,
And on and on and on. Yea, all those conspiracies.
What a loser. What’s taking so long for the Reps to impeach this a$$hat?
The lady standing next to her doesn’t look at her or the President during the entire episode except at the very last when she looks and smiles…….weird.
She saw the script.
A friend of mine wondered whether the fat woman might have “stayed focused ahead because she knew she was on national stage and camera.” That, he suggested, could explain her “lack of natural reactions in [an] unnatural situation.”
But I don’t think so. Watch the fat woman give the pregnant woman a distinct nudge with her left elbow, at 2:06. Watch her left arm. Also, look at the fat woman’s little “no” head-shake, followed by a little “yes” nod & a mouthed word, starting at 1:39. She certainly wasn’t impassive then!
Then watch her smirk when her pregnant friend, whom she had her arm around, started to collapse. There was no sign of surprise, or concern. THAT was when she very intentionally stayed impassively focused straight ahead, and didn’t even look at her wobbly pregnant friend.
If it wasn’t staged, then why did the fat woman nudge her pregnant friend, and why didn’t she try to help her pregnant friend stay up a few seconds later, when she started to topple? The fat woman should have had no way of knowing that the quick-thinking man behind her friend was going to grab the friend before she fell.
The President’s apparent priescence, turning around before the lady starts to collapse, also looks suspicious to me, but that might be explainable. Perhaps there was a noise that drew his attention. So maybe, just maybe, that, by itself, could be explainable, though it still seems suspicious to me.
Likewise, there’s no way to know what the 2nd woman whispered to the fat woman. If nothing strange had happened immediately after that, we would think nothing of it. So maybe, just maybe, the whisper’s timing was just a coincidence.
But the behavior of the fat woman seems very damning.
Gas is a problem when you are pregnant. The pregnant lady was definitely hanging on to a big fart, and that is why she looks so tense and uncomfortable. The nudge by her friend set off the fart and that is why the president turned around to look at where the farting sound came from and the smell hit him and that is why he smiled.
See how easy it is to explain just about all conspiracy theories just by looking at the effects of gas.
So there might have been a fart from a gassy knoll?
I smell a skit coming on….
What the hell is a pregnant woman doing there ? Pregnant women should not be near a sweaty President.
Whether or not it was staged, it is a little weird for him to turn back to the mic to say, “I got you”, then back to her, then back to the mic for “you’re ok.” He might as well have winked at the camera at that point. Fits right in with that ‘war on women” narrative.
We know they stage things, like planting questions that he wants to answer at an unrelated event and only calling on certain people at press conferences. Lois Lerner even used a planted question at an event to release the fact that they had targeted the Tea Party, so they clearly have no problem trying to make things seem spontaneous that really aren’t. And let’s not forget the deliberate lies about Benghazi for weeks afterwards even to the point of making that tv commercial for Pakistan.
So maybe it wasn’t staged, but it sure wouldn’t have been out of character for it to have been.
He had to read the script on the teleprompter. “I got you”, “you’re ok.”
Another fat lady helping Skeeter stage another one liner. I never watch or listen to him anymore, except when there is a clip that gets attention. The first thing I noticed was the well rehearsed line ‘I gotcha’, that was spoken not to the fainting actress, but into the mic for all the sheep to hear. The fat girl assumed she would not be in the frame and obviously felt her only duty was to prompt.
Say it isn’t so, Joe! Obama used deception, fraud and phony props to create a mini-crisis so he could look good and give the left wing media something else to say besides that Obamacare is a failure? Say it isn’t so…
It isn’t so (hee-hee-hee-hee). And don’t listen to that laughter inside the parentheses–move along.