Obamacare Success Inspires Business

ScreenHunter_1834 Oct. 24 20.01

The Day One dizzying success of Obamacare has inspired several industries in the private sector to similar heights of achievement. “The private sector is always languishing behind the government,” said Jay Carney in a White House press release earlier today, “especially in terms of technology and efficiency. It is hoped that by our showing the world that success is achievable, others would be inspired to do as well.”

Indeed, with the government to lead the way, private sector businesses, and even other governments, are beginning to think they could succeed, too. Consider some of the Obamacare inspired success stories of today:

Last week, Ford rolled out its Pinto II. Always on the cutting edge of green energy, the Pinto II boasts the new Internal Eco Drive, or IED powered engine. Selling like hotcakes, 8,327 Pinto IIs rode off the lot in the last seven days, and dozens of them carried their satisfied owners home without exploding. “We believe 48 of our new cars may have made it home safely, and there are reports of two or three more in another country that did the same. We’re just so grateful that our president showed us what’s possible,” said a Ford spokesman

Dizzying Success of ObamaCare Inspires Private Sector

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Obamacare Success Inspires Business

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    Hmm.. Sarc?

    In any case, that picture needs a commie flag in there somewhere..

  2. gator69 says:

    “The private sector is always languishing under the government,”

    Fixed it.

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