Obamacrisis #3,237

A couple of weeks ago he had to bomb Syria.  A couple of weeks before that he was sure that terrorists were going to blow up US embassies. A couple of weeks before that he was hijacking foreign President’s planes to get Snowden. A couple of weeks before that he was convinced that the climate was about to collapse.

Now he is threatening to default on the debt unless Congress lets him destroy the health care system in the US, and he is calling his political opponents terrorists. He needs to go. He is a total nut case, whack job, lunatic.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Obamacrisis #3,237

  1. Shazaam says:

    It’s just more DC Wag the Dog action to distract from Benghazi-gate and NSA-gate and IRS-gate etc. etc.

    O-Bomb-Ya’s publicity team thinks the people will believe that load of “crises” they’re shoveling.

    They ought to visit “fly-over” country more often than once every 4 years……

    • beowulftoo says:

      The debt issue is somewhat of a non issue. Each day there is a most $1.5 billion due on the debt (not evenly distributed by day, but I hope you get the point). The US treasury takes in about $10 billion taxes and fees. Managing the cash flow might be easier with a higher debt limit but it ain’t necessary. Cut back on spending. Reduce the number of Historians on the payroll. Eliminate elevator button pushers. Stop stockpiling bullets. Reduce the various armed police watching us. Stop spending on AHCA. It is easily done. The cowardly Republicans have Given in to this POTUS with the Continuing Resolutions. This POTUS and the Dems love to Spend.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    Don’t forget his pathetic tweets with the new President of Iran all the media were so thrilled about calling it an historic moment in history. The true historic moment however took place at the UN when Netanyahu told the truth about Iran and our lame press didn’t waste word on that event.

    In the mean the petro dollar has changed the playing field: http://modernsurvivalblog.com/current-events-economics-politics/the-world-changed-last-week-and-there-was-nary-a-word/#more-30015

  3. R. de Haan says:

    DHS privacy officers called terrorist;s by the Government: http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-10-02/chief-dhs-privacy-officer-government-called-privacy-office-terrorists

    Tells youwhere we’re heading doesn’t it.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    The risks of systemic collapse never have been higher: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-10-02/treasury-warns-asset-manager-herding-threatens-us-financial-system

    Is the Government close down a cover ip for the pending crash blaming it on the Reps?

  5. R. de Haan says:

    And why is Kerry signing UN treaties that regulate international trade of arms and ammunition?

  6. Robertv says:

    My friends the end is near.


  7. TomC says:

    There was the two week vacation he had to take to get his mind right to bomb Syria.

  8. Shazaam says:

    The Empire strikes back…….


    I guess the National Park Service reallys want the shutdown to leave a mark. Especially since they had all those closure signs printed in advance. Wonder what slush fund budget that came out of……

    To bad the mark is on their (non-existent) integrity.

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