Monthly Archives: October 2013

White House Releases New Definition For Slimeball

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period,” Obama said in 2009, during an American Medical Association conference. “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, … Continue reading

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Everybody Thinks That Their Storm Is The Worst

Ludington Daily News – Google News Archive Search

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Latest From The New Mexico Permanent Drought

Taos Ski Valley Web Cam & Daily Photo Gallery

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A Changing Climate

Climate used to be defined by 15 years of temperature trend, and they used to lecture us that weather is not climate. Now “climate change” is defined by any unpleasant weather event, based on the assumption that the target audience … Continue reading

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Global Warming Saving Lives

James Taylor Forbes 8:05 a.m. CDT, October 29, 2013 One year ago today Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey, killing more than 100 people and causing more than $50 billion in damage. Global warming activists and their media allies … Continue reading

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IPCC Conclusions Were Reached Three Years Before The “Research” Was Done

Nov 22, 2010 AFP: Next climate warming report will be dramatically worse: UN

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The Deafening Silence Continues

Last year was marked by hysterics about a record Arctic sea ice melt down, a completely fake record Greenland meltdown, and a fake record hot year in the US. We were told that this was all proof the Earth was … Continue reading

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Smoking Gun That The Temperature Record Is Fraudulent

According to GISS, NOAA, and CRU, the 1970’s were much warmer than the 1920’s. Yet we know that the Arctic was rapidly melting in the 1920’s and was rapidly freezing in the 1970’s. According to global warming theory, the Arctic amplifies … Continue reading

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1960 – The Mannian Tipping Point

The CIA reported that climate change (global cooling) began in 1960. August 1974 The climate change began in 1960, but no one including the climatologists recognized it. CIA Global Cooling That was also the year when Briffa’s trees were cooling and Mann … Continue reading

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One Thing Hansen Got Right

Hansen spoke about death trains, and he was correct. In Canada, trains are no longer an option for transporting oil after several catastrophic train accidents. The Canadian government recognizes that pipelines are the safest way to transport oil. Meanwhile, the … Continue reading

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