Monthly Archives: October 2013

Jeep Outsells Volt 50:1

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1922 US Government Shock News : Radical Change In Arctic Climate – Glaciers Gone

NOVEMBER, 1922.  MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW THE CHANGING ARCTIC. The Arctic seems to be warming up. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers who sail the seas about Spitsbergen and the eastern Arctic, all point to a radical change in climatic … Continue reading

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The Silence Is Deafening

Last autumn, government climate experts talked incessantly about the Arctic ice minimum and the warm temperatures in the US. This year they have nothing to say. COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

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Another Climbdown Begins For Team Climate Moron

Coral reefs have long been thought to be unusually sensitive to the effects of global warming — but as it turns out, they’re not as helpless as we thought. Coral reefs are producing a chemical that staves off global warming … Continue reading

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Less Than 10 Seconds Needed For The Police To Murder A Kid With A Toy

Ten seconds after their initial report to dispatch, one of the officers called in “shot have been fired.” FBI to Investigate Shooting of Calif. 13-Year-Old – ABC News Two days ago they were claiming that the kid ignored repeated requests … Continue reading

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Frightening CO2 Statistics

I have been taller than my average height for the last four decades, with the past decade tied for my tallest decade ever. The odds of me being taller than my average height for 15,000 days in a row are … Continue reading

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The Missing Carbon Emissions

The team probably needs a huddle. Some days they say that atmospheric CO2 is soaring out of control, and other days the ocean is sucking CO2 up much faster than expected. As recent research has shown, the Pacific is soaking … Continue reading

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Valerie Says Barry Is Just Too Smart To Be Competent

 “I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he … Continue reading

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2013 : Second Fewest Severe Tornadoes On Record

This year had the fewest tornadoes on record in the US, and the second fewest number of severe tornadoes, with seventeen. Only 1987 had fewer severe tornadoes, with fifteen. tornadotrend.jpg (872×528) Tornadoes of 2013 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Storm … Continue reading

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Obama Glossary

Affordable health care – very expensive health care Immigration reform – collapse of the immigration system Bi-partisanship – anyone who disagrees with me is a terrorist Balance the budget – quadruple the deficit Keep your guns – take your guns … Continue reading

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