Paris Burning

The IPCC says that Europe is heating up, despite a series of record cold and snowy winters.

ScreenHunter_1186 Oct. 02 06.55

IPCC: Europe has been warming faster than the global average | Environment |

Phil Jones shows 16 years of cooling in Paris

ScreenHunter_1185 Oct. 02 06.54

One of the symptoms of drug abuse by scientists is memory loss

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Freezing cold March sets records across Europe

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Paris Burning

  1. Gamecock says:

    File under “It’s worse than we thought.”

  2. They all met and fell in love with new girlfriends, and skipped all their scientist classes, so now, in finals week, all they have is BS to fall back on. I’ve seen it happen over and over in college…and I’m (ahem) personally familiar with the syndrome.

  3. Miboupop says:

    Living in the North of France for the last 15 years, I had never seen so much snow as this year. The traffic was paralyzed for three days, a “première,” for the very first time I could not even go to work either by car or public transportation because of the snow.

    Strangely, it was the FIRST TIME in my whole life in France (I’m… not young) that I was considering travelling to be DANGEROUS because of the weather.

  4. Paul in Sweden says:

    When reading the headline of this post my thoughts of Paris burning were that of the seasonal Car fires in and around Paris and not that of climate. BTW – It seems the police here in Sweden have announced the beginning of the three month long burglary season. Thankfully the full force of the annual burglary season centers around Malmö & Stockholm leaving most of us on the west coast clear of harms way.

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