President Promotes His Affordable Health Care Plan

ScreenHunter_1873 Oct. 26 07.39

Study: Average Premiums for Young Women to Increase 193%
By Elizabeth Harrington | October 23, 2013

Healthy young women will see their premiums rise by an average of almost 200 percent under Obamacare, with increases occurring in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to a new study.

Young Women O-Care Premiums To Increase 200% | Sweetness & Light

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to President Promotes His Affordable Health Care Plan

  1. margaret berger says:

    Actions have consequences. Voting has consequences. Young women voted disproportionately for obama. Now they will read the bill and find out the what the real cost of free birth control is. Karma is a witch isn’t she?

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Shadenfreude is such a delight when it is Fluked on the stupid, the gullible and the glib Obama Kool-Aide chuggers.

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Which makes me wonder if Fluke and that Obama girl (great rack, dumb as a bag of hammers) have signed up for OBamBamCare?

    Time for MSNBC to do some investigative journalism.

  4. margaret berger says:

    When I die, St. Peter is going to shake his head sadly at me and say, “Margaret you were doing so well until obamacare passed and the global warming hoax was exposed. Then you blew by wallowing in shadenfreude. Could you not have turned the other cheek instead of being cheeky?”

  5. Blade says:

    Healthy young women will see their premiums rise by an average of almost 200 percent under Obamacare, with increases occurring in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to a new study.

    Well that’s Healthy young taxpaying women who’ll see increases. And it’s to pay for the newly insured non-taxpaying men and women and kids and illegal aliens!

    Still glad you voted for DingleBarry you soccer moms and other females? Now man-up and pay your increases because how else can they implement Socialized Medicine? Fools.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    They wanted it. They got it.

  7. Rick Fischer says:

    So what? They got their free birth control, so it’s all good. Dimwits!

  8. margaret berger says:

    I sorta like the idea of Fluke taking birth control and working hard to buy health care for some one else’s children.

  9. You forgot to mention the enormous cost of doctor’s malpractice insurance, which could be substantially reduced by meaningful tort reform.
    Since a possible government shut-down is looming in front of us over this issue, it is a very good time to take a look at various solutions and extrapolate some outcomes. I honestly do not know what the best course of action regarding healthcare is. It really is too expensive for poor people, and I’d like to believe that in a rich country like the United States, citizens could afford basic healthcare.
    On the other hand, I don’t believe in socialism as a rule because it stifles individual responsibility, encourages dependence & poor decision-making skills, and discourages innovation. It is a dilemma for me. Looking forward to reading more on this and other topics.

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