President Says That The Obamacare Disaster Is Just Like Buying An iPhone

ScreenHunter_1624 Oct. 18 09.05

Obama Compares Obamacare Rollout To iOS7 Launch

Rumor is that Apple has hired 16,000 new armed agents who will throw you in jail if you don’t purchase an iPhone.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to President Says That The Obamacare Disaster Is Just Like Buying An iPhone

  1. LOL in Oregon says:

    but ObamaCare solves the “voter id” issue!
    Everyone is now, IRS enforcing, required to have medical id that uniquely identifies them!
    So, to not have id, you either must be 1) dead, or 2) “the IRS Wants You!”

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