Progressive View Of Darwin’s Theories

  1. Survival of the least fit (Great Society)
  2. Unnatural selection (affirmative action)
  3. No stronger creature gets ahead (no child left behind)
  4. The climate was always stable (Michael Mann)
  5. Environmental stress is unnatural
  6. Humans are at the bottom of the evolutionary tree

From The Origin Of Species page 83

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Progressive View Of Darwin’s Theories

  1. tom0mason says:

    Of course the progressive do not believe that humans are part of nature. Their rhetoric always has a them and us view of the natural world.

  2. Haan says:

    Thanks to this climate hysteria and insane politics we now have our elderly pensioners forced to make a choice between food or a warm home although the numbers who can no longer afford either are growing. Over the past winters many have been killed by hypothermia, especially in the UK.

  3. Billy Liar says:

    !854-55 was not a particularly cold winter in the HADCET data set; 1979 was colder.

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