Question For Government Climate Scientists

Do you believe that tampering with data actually causes the climate to change?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Question For Government Climate Scientists

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    What data tampering does is change their prospects of keeping long term employment and getting a permanent liplock on the public pension teat.

    Fear mongering, data tampering and hysteria creation are simple ways for them to justify wasting taxpayer dollars on their schemes, scams, cons & grifts.

    Thank goodness for publicly funded scientists.

  2. Aurora Svant says:

    Maybe this could be rephrased as : “Do you actually believe that tampering with data causes the climate to change?”

  3. Jason Calley says:

    Not only do they change today’s climate — but they change the past as well. Heck, they can even change the future to whatever they say it is. They have become as the gods! Or alternatively, they have become as three year olds.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Perception becomes reality.
    Take the stupid Australian Carbon Tax.
    It was gonna save the world from CAGW.
    12 months later arctic ice extent increases by 50%.
    Time to retire it since it worked so well.

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