Rebel Army Forming Outside The Evil Empire

Pierre Omidyar commits $250m to new media venture with Glenn Greenwald

Omidyar says decision to set up news organisation fueled by ‘concern about press freedoms in the US and around the world’

In an interview with Jay Rosen, media critic and NYU professor of journalism, Omidyar said he was committing an initial $250m to the as-yet-unnamed venture. Omidyar told Rosen the decision was fuelled by his “rising concern about press freedoms in the United States and around the world”.

Omidyar said he hopes the project will promote “independent journalists with expertise, and a voice and a following” while using Silicon Valley knowhow to build an audience. “Companies in Silicon Valley invest a lot in understanding their users and what drives user engagement,” Omidyar said. The company will be online only and all proceeds will be reinvested in journalism.

Pierre Omidyar commits $250m to new media venture with Glenn Greenwald | Media | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Rebel Army Forming Outside The Evil Empire

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    “News is something which somebody wants suppressed: all the rest is advertising.” — W R Hearst

    Most of the US press has lost the picture. There’s very little investigative journalism. It is not an accident that Greenwald worked for a non-US paper.

    Three cheers for Pierre Omidyar. Not everyone sees making money as simply an end in itself.

  2. Ten to one it will be incompetent too. “…invest a lot in understanding their users and what drives user engagement” means being led by polls, which are the political equivalent of climate models–because the “users” are divided and irrational in their beliefs.

    • Amen to that, harrydhuffman! That’s why we need the LaRouche Movement. Pierre Omidyar and Glen Greenwald should investigate what are the requirements for the survival of the human species indefinitely far into the future. Find out what it takes to make us safe from global thermonuclear war, famine, pathogens and parasites, mega-volcanoes, asteroids, comets, and the misbehavior of the sun. Visit

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