Republicans Still Can’t Lose

Despite the extreme display of stupidity by the Republican leadership this past two weeks, one very good thing came out of it. Everyone will remember that the Republicans fought against Obamacare.

If Obama delays the unaffordable broken healthcare disaster for a year, it is bad news for him  – because he shut down the government and kept threatening to default over his own refusal to do that very thing. All of his vitriol and poison comes flying back his direction.

If Obama doesn’t delay the mess, the Democrats take the full blame for the nightmare they created. Either way, the Democrats bad Karma comes back to haunt them.

Three weeks ago I shut down the US government, blocked 90 year old veterans access to their memorial, blocked Americans’ access to their own national parks, trashed our system of government, and spooked financial markets – because I wanted to punish Republicans for trying to delay ACA. I thought I would score political points by doing this.

Now I have decided to delay ACA. Please start impeachment proceedings immediately. There are words for people like me.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Republicans Still Can’t Lose

  1. Sunsettommy says:

    Not only that ZERO Republicans voted for the ACA law in the first place.

  2. Don says:

    Obama already lost with the pettiness he showed at closing the National Mall to all but a rally for illegals. Plus closing parks all over the nation.

    Of course the House Republicans (the stupid party) may just shove amnesty for illegals down our throat and then they will be through.

  3. Another Ian says:


    If this is right?

    Sounds like our local (Queensland, Australia) health department payroll problem on steroids

  4. Michael says:

    Fast forward 3 years to the 2016 presidential debate. If you can find an impartial moderator, you will have this situation.

    The national debt will be somewhere between 19 and 20 trillion. The ACA will have most Americans further in debt and still without adequate health insurance. The green lobby will have electricity rates increasing. The lack of pipeline construction will have resulted in a train derailment like that in Lac Megantic Canada. The Republican candidate will be able to say that voting for his party in the Senate and President would have avoided all that chaos.

    What the GOP needs to do right now is find the candidate that will be able to pass the MSM smear campaign that will come with a legitimate attempt to be voted to the White House. No philandering (Democrats can fool around, but not Republicans), no drugs (except marijuana), no homophobic statements, no racial comments, no openly supportive of life comments (ie not pro life as in against abortion and euthanasia), no visible signs of having a religious faith (not Mormon or Catholic or Baptist) ie. a member of a church but not “practicing” which translates to “fanaticism”, etc. Get someone who on the outside appears “politically correct”. The Trojan Horse.

    • planet88788 says:

      The only people that fit that profile would be either spineless or a fraud. Reagan proved you can hold those beliefs and still win. You just need a sense of humor and optimism.

    • Andy DC says:

      Sounds a little like Reagan? But even Reagan had no cake walk. He was well behind in the polls until his stellar debate performance. The Democrats scare tactics always frightens seniors. Then with the various other miinority groups and public sector workers in their hip pocket, they are tough to beat.

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