Rush Thinks Boner Is About To Cave

I’m Trying My Best to Fight Pessimism – The Rush Limbaugh Show

All that the Republicans had to do was sit tight and wait for Obama to give in, but they apparently have chosen to snatch defeat from the certain jaws of victory.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Rush Thinks Boner Is About To Cave

  1. Andy DC says:

    Too many Republicans with seats in districts dependent on Government expenditures. Government spending is like a drug addiction, an impossible habit to break.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Boner missed his shot of Viagra, and went limp.

  3. suyts says:

    It’s not just Boner. There’s a whole bunch of those jackwagons who desperately want to. It’s like Repubs really want a 3rd party.

  4. orson2 says:

    Pubbies DESERVE a serious opposition party to replace their foolish neglect of any real opposition to Obamunist tyranny. (To bad we won’t get it.)

  5. Larry Fields says:

    Steven wrote:
    “All that the Republicans had to do was sit tight and wait for Obama to give in ….”

    Here’s my stooopid question of the day:
    It’s not obvious to me that the Repubs were holding all of the cards. Please explain.

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