Sebelius Says That Ted Cruz Hacked Her Garbage Software

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took a swipe Friday at those calling for her to resign over the botched ObamaCare website rollout, suggesting that Republican efforts to delay and defund the law contributed to’s glitch-ridden debut.

Sebelius suggests Republicans to blame for ObamaCare website woes | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Sebelius Says That Ted Cruz Hacked Her Garbage Software

  1. ralphcramdo says:

    “In an ideal world there would have been a lot more testing, but we did not have the luxury of that”

    What was it, three years they worked on the site but couldn’t test it in that time period?

  2. GoneWithTheWind says:

    This is all the Democrats have; name callng and blaming others.

  3. Don says:

    Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top exec with the company that did the website. Four companies offered to do the job yet the feds only reviewed one company’s offer. A company that the Canadian goverenment had fired at least once for botching a website build.

  4. Smokey says:

    GoneWithTheWind says:

    “This is all the Democrats have; name callng and blaming others.”

    S’truth. They all suffer from extreme psychological ‘projection’: Imputing your own personal faults onto others.

    So now it is the *Republicans* fault that Obamacare is going down in flames!

    As if.

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