She Really Could See Commies From Her House

ScreenHunter_1672 Oct. 19 21.12

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to She Really Could See Commies From Her House

  1. nigelf says:

    Sarah was and is one of the most astute to run for high office and I still regret the people were too swayed by the hostile media to elect her as Vice President.

    • Unfortunately that would have meant that McCain would have been President. He was and is a frighted tired old man who is for sale to the Democrats for a smile, a hand shake, and a kind word. He desperately wants the Democrats to love him and stop saying bad things about him. As a consequence, he would have worked to be a better Democrat than the Democrats themselves. Sadly, this is true for all the establishment Republican leadership.

      The Tea Party Republicans may be different. Time will tell. I will be convinced if they win a super majority of both houses of congress and truly shut the government down unless and until it is trimmed back to the size and power the constitution explicitly permits. in other words actually to uphold their oath of office.

  2. Okie says:

    As long as people like Palin exist, there is still hope for our country.

  3. Pathway says:

    I’d vote for any woman who can gut a moose and pull a gill net.

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