Shock News : Arctic Ice In Freefall!

In July, reader Grant Holt explained that the Arctic is in freefall, and that record Antarctic ice is due to excess heat.

ScreenHunter_1409 Oct. 12 06.01

July 11, 2013 at 8:33 pm

The red arrow below shows the date when Grant Holt made his stunning observation.

ScreenHunter_1414 Oct. 12 06.14

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Shock News : Arctic Ice In Freefall!

  1. Billy Liar says:

    He hasn’t *ahem* been back to keep us updated on the freefall! Perhaps he swerved so hard he injured himself.

  2. Stewart Pid says:

    The warministas are reluctant to talk about sea ice anymore it would seem … newer and better scary stories to promote like the 2047 catastrophe when the world trips over the tipping point of GLO-BULL warming.

  3. Fear not for “Grant Holt”, for he and his fellow AGW’ers can always employ the ol’ shell game trick of changing the subject by jumping on the bandwagon of “the tropics will suffer ‘unprecedented’ climate change effects, long before the Arctic and its polar bears see big shifts” ….. as our men Lawrence13 & Martin pointed out a few days ago:

  4. Scott Scarborough says:

    Poor Guy. Just can’t win for loosen.

  5. Pathway says:

    It appears that he was the victim of the Gore Effect. The graph move sideways just as he spoke the words.

  6. Why is the increase in Antarctic ice paradoxical? When it gets cold things freeze?

  7. averyharden says:

    Steve, you put too much emphasis on making people you disagree with look bad. We humans should not be the issue. The issue is the science. We should attempt to maintain a detective’s detachment and stay focused on the evidence.

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