I’m a former NPS historian/supervisory interpretive park ranger from two parks (at Vicksburg National Military Park in Mississippi and the Steamtown National Historic Site in Pennsylvania.). I’m now serving as a historian for another Federal agency. For years I’ve monitored NPS vacancies, just in case the opportunity arose to return to the NPS as a historian. No longer . . .
I have never been more embarrassed to admit that I’m former National Park Service and I will never return. The Park Ranger has long served as an representative of good government, someone who the public looked up to and admired. Through this calculated, politically-driven hackery and thug tactics, the image of the ranger and the NPS with the American public has been broken, probably irrevocably.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Might not be so O/T here
In Yellowstone in 2007 we were told to steer clear of the rangers as they had become a fierce and tourist-unfriendly bunch.
Your headline underplays the situation –
Shock News : Obama’s Villainy Now Corrupts The Reputation Of The National Park Service
Pretty sad when the Park Service becomes a political tool.
When Rocky Mtn NP closed US-34 over Trail Ridge Road – at a time that it was the only egress available to the people of Estes Park who had been cut-off by flood-damaged highways to the east – that was the bottom.
A good friend who works for NPS in science programs explained it this way (years ago): the Park Service hires two kinds of people – cops/rangers who do crowd-control and biologists who view humans as invasive species.
That can’t be. Obama says that he is protecting the middle class from evil Republicans.
Same as what I heard about U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: they hire people who hate hunting and fishing.
That’s not entirely true. There are good people in NPS biology. Maybe few and far between but they are there.
The problem for me in defending the NPS’s reputation, I worry if I were to start naming names and pointing to papers that the Obama thugs will be monitoring, gearing up for a purge.
You should think about that too. Keep it general. Don’t call out NPS personel by name to show that there are good people there. You’ll just be signing their pink slip if you do.
Obama: It’s time for Americans to embrace my Dictatorship and their own slavery…or else
NPS was taken over by the eco-loons many years ago.
One story had them removing handles from drinking fountains….wacko
Smokey the friendly bear is dead, killed by Obama.