Shock News : Obama Lied To Joe The Plumber


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Shock News : Obama Lied To Joe The Plumber

  1. daveburton says:

    Seems so long ago, to hear Obama(!!) promising tax cuts. But if he’d told the truth, even McCain would have beaten him… which, of course, is why he lies so much.

  2. Don says:

    Would crazy McCain have been much better? That was no choice at all.

    • McCain is not a traitor purposely trying to destroy the US.

      • You are right. McCain would not have destroyed the US on purpose. It would have been the consequence of a malignant unconscious evasion of rational principles.

        It is the same evasion that is endemic in both parties: there is no line that will not be crossed nor anything left unsold if the price is right. The line that each individual has a natural right to HIS life, HIS liberty, and HIS pursuit of happiness has long ago been passed and sold out for little more than a hand shake, a nod, and several winks. That it is for “the children” or power and money is a smokescreen. The real goal is the destruction of good because it is good. See the history of the 20th Century for massive instructive detail.

      • Don says:

        Look into McCain’s Navy career. He should have been cashierd several times for acts he pulled. Only that grandpa and daddy were well known Admirals saved him. He is Ted Kennedy lite. McCain – Feingold is just one example.

  3. Bill Stewart says:

    We Americans need to show all these frauds the door, vote the bums out!!!!

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