Shock News : Obamacare Is A Disaster

ScreenHunter_1670 Oct. 19 20.32

Obamacare’s Rollout Is a Disaster That Didn’t Have to Happen – The Daily Beast

Republicans tried to halt this train wreck, and Obama responded by calling them terrorists, traitors, arsonists and extortionists. What a guy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Shock News : Obamacare Is A Disaster

  1. gregole says:

    It’s a mess. A real mess.

    Funny that.

    And it didn’t need to happen. Let’s roll the tape back and instead of ObamaCare we had:
    1. Reformed medical insurance
    2. Reformed malpractice tort law
    3. Reformed malpractice insurance

    Our American system of insurance and health care would have functioned just fine and market-driven pricing would have forced costs down; which IMHO had grown out of control. No Fabian-Socialist take-over was needed, nor called for. I seriously wonder if Obama voters of good conscious had any idea what they were in for. I wonder if they are beginning to realize it yet.

  2. slimething says:

    “This simpleton concept diagram completely glosses over the challenges in design and testing needed to make work. Screw this up and nothing can fix the problems without a complete restart. What I exposed previously was the technical truth hidden behind the child-like simplicity of this chart:”

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    I believe the best course of action is If you don’t already have health insurance refuse to buy anything health care related until the government gets the online health care site they promised working correctly, and tell the IRS to go to hell if they try to collect a fine.

  4. Gamecock says:

    Driving private insurance companies out, so the federal government can step in, is what Obamacare was always about. Crap rollout changes nothing. You can bet your last dollar that Obama couldn’t care less about the rollout. Silly details for underlings to work out.

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