Shock News : Warming And Cooling Cycles Have Nothing To Do With CO2

ScreenHunter_1365 Oct. 10 18.40

MEI timeseries from Dec/Jan 1940/50 up to the present

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shock News : Warming And Cooling Cycles Have Nothing To Do With CO2

  1. CO2 doesn’t amount to a hill of shizzle. CO2 is about as important as ozone, the lack of which allows all the heat from the southern hemisphere to leave through a little pinhole at the south pole. All the sunlight heating the southern hemisphere? None of it matters. It all leaves because somebody left the ozone door open at the south pole.

  2. X says:

    As we can see by comparing with the following graph, ENSO follows the PDO very closely
    and both have amplitudes modulated by solar radiations as evidenced by the much larger anomalies at the end of the XX century (positive) than the beginning (not so positive, although it was also a positive phase).
    If this is really true then, due to the known connection between ENSO and world temperatures, we should see an increase in ENSO negative anomalies during the present solar grand minimum.
    I believe, we’re already seeing this phenomenon to unfold, but of course we need a few more years to prove it conclusively.

  3. Billy Liar says:

    Funny, that MEI graph looks just like the Central England Temperature:

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