Spiegel Shock News : Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming Drowning Our Cities

ScreenHunter_1416 Oct. 12 06.33

ScreenHunter_1415 Oct. 12 06.32

Climate Change – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Nachrichten

This can be clearly seen in the San Francisco Bay, where sea level has risen 0.00 mm over the last 70 years.

ScreenHunter_952 Sep. 26 05.23

Data and Station Information for ALAMEDA (NAVAL AIR STATION)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Spiegel Shock News : Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming Drowning Our Cities

  1. averyharden says:

    Interesting to see that your graphs from Spiegel were sourced from NOAA. The graphs “appear” to say no sea level rise, but NOAA certainly doesn’t deny sea level rise.

    • David A says:

      It is a graph, it shows what it shows. If you wish to talk about global SLR, there are plenty of posts to talk about that. One to three mm per year, before error bars, is what most peer reviewed lit shows, with zero acceleration.

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