Standdown Orders

When the US Embassy was attacked by Islamic terrorists in Benghazi, Obama gave orders to stand down and let everyone be killed, and then blamed it on YouTube.

When 90 year old WWII veterans attempted to get to the their monument in DC, Obama paid for lots of extra guards to keep them away, and then blamed it on Republicans.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Standdown Orders

  1. slimething says:

    Obama’s message is “don’t mess with us”.

  2. Avery Harden says:

    You guys need to take breath and calm down, you are losing touch with reality.

  3. snedly arkus says:

    When the so called stand down order was given some military personnel wanted to fly to Benghazi to help out. At that time those already in Benghazi, the alive and dead, were in the care of Libyan troops and were at or on their way to the airport without incident. The Libyan C130 from Tripoli was only going to Benghazi to evacuate our personnel and no troops were needed. An attack on the embassy in Tripoli was expected and the military people who wanted to fly to Benghazi were told their services were more urgently needed in Tripoli because the embassy personnel would have no protection if they left. It’s all in the Congressional testimony. Read it.

    • David says:

      The report is as full of holes as the CIA talking points. We still do not know who’s idea it was to reduce security, when more was being asked for. (Sure, Hilary signed those orders, but hey ” what difference does it make” she signs lost of things everyday), and I guess you have to sign it, to find out what’s in it. We still do not know why no help was sent hours before. We do not know who changed, let alone their rational for doing so, the CIA talking points We do not know who created the video lie/excuse and why the current admin pressed on with it in the face of ridicule. We have no clear idea if the seals who saved many lives were following orders. Many, many more questions.

    • Avery Harden says:

      Yes it is all in the Congressional testimony, including the fact that getting help 800 miles out there in time to make a difference was impossible. Only partisians say otherwise.

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