Terrifying Greenhouse Gases Which Power Your Chevy Volt

I can reveal for the first time, that massive amounts of EPA toxic greenhouse gases are generated every time you recharge your Government Motors electric car.

ScreenHunter_1226 Oct. 03 06.36

These gases are darkening our skies and causing plants to grow faster. Tens of thousands of people drown every year in H2O, one of the most frightening electric car generated gases.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Terrifying Greenhouse Gases Which Power Your Chevy Volt

  1. People who decry CO2 and H2O should go after the seltzer water industry

  2. kbray in california says:

    A requirement to wear life vests 24/7 seems the next logical step by the left.
    And that H2O gas is evil and rusts all my tools too !
    Corrosive stuff ! We need a ban.

  3. I never knew how poisonous CO2 was until one day I was drinking a pepsi and I burped, and then inhaled the CO2 and it tasted really bad. I will try never to get CO2 into my lungs again because it’s a poison.

  4. Well, Morgan there ARE some conscientious people going after this vicious pollutant:


    I personally don’t mind a lot of hydrogen pollution, but I’m like that …

  5. Interesting… My links are going to the bit bucket…

    But some people are going after this dangerous pollutant:
    See “coalition to ban dihydrogen monoxide”

  6. That was funny but they made a mistake. They called it hydric acid which is wrong. Dihydrogen monoxide is actually the acid of OH so it’s hydroxylic acid

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