Terrifying Imagery Of The Colorado Permanent Heat Wave And Drought

ScreenHunter_1888 Oct. 26 11.32

Web Cam – Wolf Creek Ski Area

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Terrifying Imagery Of The Colorado Permanent Heat Wave And Drought

  1. Anything is possible says:

    That artificial slope looks exactly like real snow. Way to adapt!

  2. snow report 10/26/2013 11:05
    Summit Base 21″
    Midway Depth 21″
    Last 24 Hours 3″
    Last 48 Hours 3″
    Snowfall YTD 31″
    Latest Storm 3″
    Surface Conditions: Packed Powder with Very Early Season Obstacles

    Powder again. Dry drought snow.

  3. bkivey says:

    If the hocky team is right, most children won’t know what that is on the slope.

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